Panoramix Genetics - Auto Big Kush
A partire da 6,53 €
Auto Big Kush: A powerful autoflowering variety with an earthy and spicy Kush aroma. Relaxing and sedative effects, ideal for reducing stress. Easy to grow and generous yield.
Intense aroma and characteristic Kush Auto Big
Auto Big Kush is a powerful and versatile autoflowering cannabis strain. Her buds are characterized by an earthy, spicy and woody Kush aroma, with sweet or citrus undertones. The relaxing and sedative effects are ideal for reducing stress. Easy to grow and generous yield.
Auto Big Kush features:
- Genetics: Auto Big Kush is a cross between several Kush genetics. Its exact genetic composition may vary depending on the producer.
- Plant type: This is an autoflowering plant, which flowers automatically without depending on the photoperiod. This makes her suitable for quick and easy growing.
- Potency: Auto Big Kush is known for its potency. The buds can contain high concentrations of THC, the psychoactive element in cannabis.
- Aroma: This variety has a distinctive Kush aroma, with earthy, spicy and woody notes. Sweet or citrus undertones may also be present, depending on the phenotype.
- Taste: The taste of Auto Big Kush is rich and complex. It can offer notes of earth, spice, wood and sweet or fruity undertones, creating a unique taste experience.
- Effects: The effects of Auto Big Kush are generally relaxing and sedative. It can induce a feeling of mental and physical calm, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
- THC Content: Being a potent strain, Auto Big Kush usually has a high THC content. The exact level can vary, but is generally above average.
- Cultivation: Auto Big Kush is suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Due to its autoflowering nature, it takes less time to flower than non-autoflowering strains. It is hardy and can produce heavy yields.
Produttori | Panoramix Genetics |
Sesso | Autofiorente |
THC | Alto (15-20%) |
CBD | Basso (0-1%) |
Coltivazione | Indoor e Outdoor |
Resistenza alle muffe | Media |
Resa | Media |
Raccolto Medio (grammi) | 450-550 g/m2 indoor - 60-100 g/p outdoor |
Altezza | Media (80 - 120cm) |
Varietà | Indica/Sativa |
Tempo Fioritura Indoor | 7-8 settimane |
Effetto | Rilassato |
Aroma | Kush, |
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I semi di canapa da collezione sono esclusi dalla nozione legale di 'Cannabis', ciò significa che essi non sono da considerarsi sostanza stupefacente (L. 412 del 1974, art1, comma 1, lett. B ; Convenzione unica sugli stupefacenti di New York del 1961 e tabella I Decreto Ministero della Salute 11 aprile 2006). In Italia la coltivazione di Cannabis è vietata (art. 28 e 73 del DPR 309/90) se non in possesso di apposita autorizzazione (art. 17 DPR 309/90) . Pertanto i semi venduti in questo sito potranno essere utilizzati esclusivamente per fini collezionistici e per la preservazione genetica. Questi semi sono commercializzati con la riserva che essi non siano usati da terze parti in conflitto con la legge. Ogni informazione contenuta in questa pagina e in questo sito ha scopo puramente informativo e/o pubblicitario e non intende in alcun modo condonare, promuovere,incitare o incentivare l’uso di sostanze illegali né altresì intende incitare o incentivare la violazione della legge.